Zou Bisou Bisou


My God, how soft they are!

But tell me, do you know

What that means, between us,

What does “zou bisou” mean?

It means, I confess to you,

But yes, I love only you!

Kiss kiss kiss etc.

My God, how soft it is!

But no need for bushes in the month of August

When you kiss me softly on the neck!

It’s funny, you see, I confess,

I feel it everywhere

Kiss kiss kiss etc.

My God, how soft it is!

Kiss kiss kiss etc.

Little kisses

Kiss kiss kiss

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2 thoughts on “Zou Bisou Bisou

  1. She’s got that Jane Birkin/Carla Bruni, yé-yé/faux innocence thaing going on which is a French specialty and makes excellent background muzak at chic establishments comme Au Bon Pain.

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