I was going to post today (and will another day) on a number of rhetorically sly and fallacious argumentative ploys I’ve encountered lately, but you may have noticed that I am singularly focused these days on the GOP’s reactionary assault on labor rights and working people. It is a critical moment in U.S. social history, […]
The Political Lexicologist: Overreach THIS
What’s the difference between technical jargon and mind-numbing, unthinking cliché? Why, it’s that while I, on occasion, may resort to the former, you, of course, invariably use the latter. In the arid world of politics, however, we are richly blessed with language that is oppressively both and of which the citizenry is the object of […]
The GOP’s “Systematic Assault” on Middle Class Americans & Unions
The statement of Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) on the floor of the House this morning. The truth in five minutes. Related articles GOP govs show Obama no love (politico.com) GOP Attacks on Unions are Bad Short-Term Politics, But is There a Long-Term Goal? (elections.firedoglake.com)
The GOP’s Fake Argument of Utility against Labor Rights
………………………………………………….Think now History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions, Guides us by vanities. T.S. Eliot, “Gerontion” As I said yesterday, the underlying and fundamental motivation for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and other Republicans’ drive to eliminate collective bargaining for public sector unions is an outright philosophical opposition to organized […]
Kicking the Tires on Democracy: Wisconsin & Labor
The surface of conservative arguments for ending collective bargaining in Wisconsin and other states is as deep as a worn tread. GOP politicians all over the country, including Scott Walker, have been peddling the “pre-owned automobile” of a utilitarian argument in a crisis. “We need the tools,” they keep repeating like a FOX News talking […]