The Political Lexicologist: Overreach THIS

What’s the difference between technical jargon and mind-numbing, unthinking cliché? Why, it’s that while I, on occasion, may resort to the former, you, of course, invariably use the latter. In the arid world of politics, however, we are richly blessed with language that is oppressively both and of which the citizenry is the object of […]

The American Dream Labor Rallies in Pictures

February 26, 2011, in cities across the United States. Related articles Wisconsin Protests: Labor Protests Draw Thousands Across The Country ( Labor protests beyond Wisconsin draw thousands ( San Francisco Rally for the American Dream Draws Thousands, Demanding Economic Rights and Opportunity ( Wisconsin Labor Union Fight Sparks New York City Hall Rally ( Political […]

Why We Need Unions #351

I’m in activist mode this week. Later, next week, I’ll offer some deeper reflections. But a curious result of all the activist tweeting I’ve been doing through the week has been the response from conservatives. Mostly, my tweets are retweeted by the generally liberal like-minded. My tweets on the Wisconsin labor standoff, though, making their […]

Nationwide Rally in Support of Wisconsin Labor

From click this link to find a rally near you. Rally to Save the American Dream In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich—and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital […]

Political Action: 50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream

This from  If you care about labor rights in the U.S. If you know what workers’ lives were like before organized labor, before the widespread middle-class life so many Americans came to enjoy during the twentieth century – events in Wisconsin, now Illinois, Indiana and more, are the reactionary Right’s final assault on workers’ […]