Occupy Distraction

Some quick thoughts on continuing Occupy Wall Street developments. A few recent dispersals of protestors, especially the much viewed UC Davis pepper spraying over the weekend, have called attention to unhappy trends in policing over the past decade. James Fallows, Alexis Madrigal, and Ta-Nahisi Coates, all at the Atlantic, had good thoughts about it all. […]

More on How Occupy Wall Street and Liberals Will Lose

. Nothing that has occurred since my post on Thursday argues against its sad prognosis. Much argues for it. City governments are becoming less tolerant of the occupations, some of which are exhibiting more problematic behavior than earlier, with defiance of local ordinances and clashes with police growing in number and location. This makes the […]

How Occupy Wall Street and Liberals Will Lose

. I was against it before I was for it. Soon it may not matter. Occupy Wall Street was conceived and instigated by people who do not represent the so-named 99% in their greater and many specific political and social aspirations. Nonetheless, the movement has been able to focus rightful social anger on the causes […]

Cinefile – Some Occupy Wall Street History

. The first clip below gives us Walter Huston as Judson Hammond, President of the United States in the 1933 Gabriel Over the White House, from Gregory La Cava. It is a typically idealized, absurdly stilted version, from the time, of American democracy. Its president confronts the film version of the real “Bonus Army” that […]

The Putrid Cynicism of the Emergency Committee for Israel

. Friend and managing editor of CiF Watch Adam Levick has offered a link in the comments section to my last post on Occupy Wall Street. I can imagine the concerns that prompted Adam’s offering. I would share them if I thought they were real. They are not. The link is to a one minute video […]