. There is room elsewhere for indignation at the NRA’s response today to the Newtown mass murder of children and educators by a mentally ill young man whose gun-owning mother apparently did not keep her firearm’s beyond a disturbed son’s reach. The outrage should be universal. But the irrationality is that of the American right, […]
Demonstrating Rick Sanchez and Other Things
From Gawker, first indications of Rick Sanchez’s response to events – through his wife. Rick Sanchez—the CNN anchor who was fired after insinuating that Jews control the media—might be coming out of hiding. According to Sanchez’s wife, he called Daily Show host Jon Stewart (the target of Sanchez’s remarks) to say “sorry.” In an update […]
What Lurks Beneath
The whole Michael Phelps pot and bong tabloid-morality bonanza offers up only the latest iteration of a tiresome cultural phenomenon that deserves a speedy death. That it contains a surprising component of envious leveling of the high and mighty – so much accomplishment, so much fame, so much fortune, so fast – enacted against someone […]