Amnesty UK – Human rights are for all: Response to media article And if the Allies had violated any of what we now think of as Herman Goering’s human rights, would Amnesty International, upon his release, have stood on podiums with him to champion those rights? Evading-the-Point 101, or the downward spiral of self-interested, self-righteous […]
That’s What They Think, Tuesday 2/16/2010
Jonathan Chait, The New Republic – Democratic Dysfunction, An Update Democrats are punks. Bernie Becker and Jeff Zeleny, The Caucus – Bayh Decides Against Re-election Bid He complains about the difficulty of getting anything done, yet, “[a]ccording to analysis by The Times of Mr. Bayh’s voting history, he has voted with a majority of the […]
That’s What They Think, Monday 2/15/2010
Jeffrey Herf, The New Republic – It Will Not Go Away (H/T Yaacov Lozowick) His review of Robert S. Wistrich’s 1200 page A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad. A Lethal Obsession is an encyclopedic—and genuinely alarming—compendium of the new anti-Semitism. Wistrich gathers a massive amount of evidence to drive home the […]
That’s What They Think, Thursday 1/28/2010
Jeff Weintraub, Comments and Controversies – Pass the Damn Bill He’s been saying it all week long: Democrats, don’t be punks. Corey Kilgannon, The New York Times – Serpico on Serpico For film aficionados and New Yorkers of a certain age: Frank Serpico today. How a whole life can turn on one series of events. […]
That’s What They Think, Friday 1/22/2010
Hendrik Hertzberg – One Year: Beware of Sudden Downdrafts What he said. And I said yesterday, only mo better. Obama, healthcare, what’s going on and down. Daniel Indiviglio – Goldman Shareholder Revolts With Lawsuit Where the anger should be. Rob Capriccioso, Indian Country Today – Elouise Cobell, woman warrior The woman behind an Indian victory. […]