Good friend Rivvy Neshama has written a book, Recipes For a Sacred Life: True Stories and a Few Miracles, that is the accumulation of a life’s gained wisdom. Panning through the grains of the sad red earth, we see the fool’s-gold sparkle, often, of the oh-so-smart, not so much the glimmer of the precious stone that is […]
The Stink Bomb
. There is so much messy farting going on, the political arena smells like an outhouse. Of course, why should it not? It is an outhouse. Between the craven opportunists and the reflexive ideologues, even a dash past the entrance with cotton plugs in your nose will not spare you the stench. The Muslim world has […]
Male Genital Enhancement
. This essay originally appeared in The Times of Israel, July 3, 2012. Is it too fanciful to imagine that Germany might wait, say, a thousand years, the length of an eponymously termedTausendjähriges Reich, before any governmental body in that country could feel sufficiently conscientiously liberated as to actually restrict a Jewish religious rite, i.e. […]
History Forgotten, Remembered
We forget a lot. It is natural. It is also, at times, convenient. Here is a fascinating and inspiring bit of history, on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, of how Jews in Palestine, in wishing to practice their religion, were treated by the occupying British because of the Arab intolerance of Jews. In a […]