. On Wednesday The New York Times published an OpEd by Mustafa Barghouthi, a member of the Palestinian Parliament and “secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative.” The article is entitled “Peaceful Protest Can Free Palestine.” Peace is always a good start to resolving disputes. Here is what else would help to “free” Palestine. The […]
Tyranny of Victimhood: Why the Guardian gives a free ride to reactionary Palestinian movement
. This is cross-posted by CiF Watch managing editor, Adam Levick. Yesterday, some anti-Israel agitators pretended to be “civil rights” activists by riding on buses Israeli citizens in the territories use to travel to Jerusalem. These buses do not allow non-citizens (without proper permits) to enter communities in Judea and Samaria in order to stop potential Palestinian terror […]
Dear Nicholas Kristof, You Are a Fool
. Let’s begin with the title of that ejaculation of tendentious nonsense you and The New York Times have passed off as thoughtful commentary by a serious commentator on international affairs. “Is Israel Its Own Worst Enemy?” Really, you mean that? You haven’t heard that spoken around the block a time or two. It’s your […]
The Pernicious Anti-Israeli Propaganda of Global Policy Forum
In Propaganda and Persuasion, Garth Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell define the former as the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Elaborates Richard Alan Nelson in A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, Propaganda is […]
The Moral Pathology of the UN Human Rights Council
There may be statements of this demopathy that will equal it, but no statement will ever be more essential or better and more illustratively timed. It is, of course, a pathology that afflicts many beyond the bad offices of the UNHRC. Hillel Neuer at the UN (H/T CiFWatch): Mr. President, History will record that the […]