The Israeli settlements, on the West Bank and in Gaza, were an historic error the cost of which Israel is now paying. Many people in both public and private life feared this to be so when the Likud government began its aggressive settlement policy in the 1970s, and time has proven them right. Israel acknowledged […]
Israel: Escaping the Image and Language Trap
So, post the Biden-visit contretemps, the Quartet, including the United States, has a second time condemned Israel’s housing construction plans in East Jerusalem, and the Netanyahu government has offered, privately, to take “confidence-building” measures to further the path of negotiations via the current “proximity talks” proposal. Where does that leave matters? People who know internal […]
Mind Games: The Movie
Well, not really. It’s actually “mind games, the photographs,” but that doesn’t provide the same hook. Mind Games, the movie, by the way, would be the September 30, 2000 France2 video of Muhammad al Durah, a Palestinian boy in the arms of his father, purportedly being shot by Israeli soldiers – an event that was […]
The Refusal II – A Response and Elaboration
I’ve received a comment from a reader (“People Are Talking,” at right), a very fine thinker and a reader I admire, that raises problematic issues with my last post, “The Refusal.” They are significant enough to warrant clarification in a post. I need to start near the end. The reader writes Both current Israeli policy […]
“The Flip Side of Mondoweiss”
Over at Talking Points Memo‘s TPMCafe, we have the latest preposterous and slanted post from Mondweiss‘s Adam Horowitz. In the comments section, one writer referred to me as “the flip side of Mondoweiss.” Here is my reply. AJA