. We’re having an entertaining and enlightening discussion, me and the Snoop, over in the comments section (which is, after all, what it’s for) and the subject of Bill Maher keeps coming up. Actually, Snoop keeps bringing it up, but why split hairs? Maher enjoys not the highest estimation in the Snoop’s regard. I think […]
My Political Calendar for Friday, January 14, 2011
6 a.m. Morning in America 6:30 a.m. Exercise 1st Amendment right 2 tell liberal neighbor he’s an asshole. 7 a.m. Exercise 2nd Amendment right: target practice (neighbor leaves 4 work) 7:30 a.m. Morning Joe 8:30 a.m. “Rush” Hour 9:30 a.m. National conversation about race 10:30 a.m. Seek the better angels of our nature in a […]
Abbott and Costello in the New York-DC Corridor
There were a number of particularly choice posts on Atlantic blogs yesterday. This is the first of two from Jeffrey Goldberg. A man boards in Philadelphia, and asks a woman across the aisle from me if the seat next to her is free. She responds: “This is the quiet car.” He says, “Yes, I know. […]
Mind Games III: “Optics”
“The Brotha and the Otha” (Scene: the White House – the Oval Office. President Obama sits behind his desk. Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel stands before him.) Emanuel: Okay, next – where you thinking of for your vacation? Obama: I was thinking we’d go to Hawaii. Emanuel (chin descending, eyes ascending): Not a good idea. […]
The Taking of Enchanted Trails RV Park