. (This post originally appeared in the Algemeiner on December 11, 2012.) It is a term we hear a lot in the twenty-first century anti-Israel propaganda storm, flung wildly against the truth – that Gaza is an “open-air” prison. We hear it not only from Arab and Muslim anti-Semites and the committed anti-Israel ideologues, but […]
Los Angeles Times Slants Coverage of Israel-Gaza Conflict
. Years from now – How long, O Lord? – when the historical studies are done of yet another period of profound human and political failing, the evidence of even journalistic prejudice against Israel and Jews in the first part of the twenty-first century will be too bountiful for the whole to be encompassed. Yesterday, […]
Quotes of the Day
Glenn Greenwald: CNN yesterday ended the 20-year career of Octavia Nasr, its Atlanta-based Senior Middle East News Editor, because of a now-deleted tweet she wrote on Sunday upon learning of the death of one of the Shiite world’s most beloved religious figures. Glenn Greenwald: And Nasr herself wrote a moving explanation after the controversy over her tweet […]
The Hypocrisy and Bullshit of Glenn Greenwald: II
What follows is the transcript of Hugh Hewitt’s January 2009 radio show interview of Glen Greenwald, taken from Hewitt’s blog. It is of some length, so if you want to save time, you can scan for the bold highlights I have made and my commentary broken out along the way. I recommend reading the full […]
Hamas Must End the Blockade of Gaza Now
The Hamas apologists showing up in such great numbers over the past thirty-six hours must contend with what Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki said just days ago in Buenos Aires. They are running an authoritarian, fascist system and it’s for this reason that leaders of Hamas know they are losing the support of the […]