FOX News: Because we really are assholes and so full of shit it comes out of our mouths

Why don’t they just call for the Restoration already and be done with it? It really is so liberating to come out of the closet. SNAP. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Crisis in Dairyland – For Richer and Poorer – Teachers and Wall Street Daily Show Full […]

Demonstrating Rick Sanchez and Other Things

From Gawker, first indications of Rick Sanchez’s response to events – through his wife. Rick Sanchez—the CNN anchor who was fired after insinuating that Jews control the media—might be coming out of hiding. According to Sanchez’s wife, he called Daily Show host Jon Stewart (the target of Sanchez’s remarks) to say “sorry.” In an update […]

Rally to Restore Sanity

We’re looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn’t be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it’s appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. Or Charlie […]