The Conventional National Convention II

A convention is not the conventional. A convention is a rule, a standard, a procedure and its meaning. The conventional is the loss of meaning. It is a practice stripped of its purpose, a rule worn by time and unconsciousness of its originating intent. The origin of the conventional, like that of the convention from […]

CNC (Conventional National Convention) Delegate

Stalin Shames Human Race Chimps now hold 10 point lead among likely primate voters I have no larger fossil to fight over with Joshua Green, whom I have until now found an agreeable enough presence at The Atlantic, but it was his roll of the conventional dice to post Rangel Brings Shame on Democrats just […]

The Conventional National Convention I

It convenes daily around the national water cooler. “Where’s that?” you ask. Why, one place is at what is fashioned, in the evenings during hard times, as the national hearth – the TV. Also, the newspapers, our more sober voice. And, of course, now, the blogosphere – the kids screaming and barking for attention. All […]