The Freedom to Restrict the Freedom of Others

. Conservative arguments in support of Chick-Fil-A – or more to the point, against those critical of Chick-Fil-A – demonstrate a characteristic contemporary conservative confusion of terms. What better example than Gary Bauer to represent how conservatives do it. The left’s response to Cathy’s rather innocuous comment has once again exposed the gay rights movement’s […]

The High Spark of the Low Heels, Boys

Politics is a contemptible business. Public service, that’s something else. Government? That’s not what politics is. Politics is a sewer. It leads those who participate in it, especially in any regular form, to employ every low human behavior except, generally, murder, though accusations even of it are not now unheard of. And because the politicians […]

Reading Rick Sanchez

What is most fascinating and instructive about Rick Sanchez’s little eruption into psychodrama – beyond its half-life as this week’s media melt down story – is what it reveals about the interaction of personal grievance with social envy in producing both ethnic prejudice and class resentment. Beyond that, even more richly, Sanchez, who apparently prided […]