Moles, False Flags, and Conspiracies

James Jesus Angleton.
Image via Wikipedia

Among the most famous stories of the Cold War era is that of James Angleton, the CIA’s long-serving head of counter-intelligence, who became convinced that the KGB had managed to place a mole at the top of the CIA hierarchy. Angleton’s search for the mole became significantly harmful to the CIA in its disabling paranoia. By the time Angleton was forced to resign in 1974, among those speculated to be the mole were William Colby, the director of central intelligence who forced Angleton out, and, by others, Angleton himself. Colby, by the way, died long after his official CIA career ended, alone on the Chesapeake, after falling out of his canoe from an apparent heart attack while fishing.

My post of yesterday, in which I called attention to some of the both banal and bizarre conspiratorial swirling around Wikileaks, was linked to by Meet Illuminati Members. You should know, if you do not already, that in the long history of conspiratorial thinking, no “organization” has a richer history than the centuries-old “illuminati.” There is great entertainment value at the site. “Man,” in his works and days, is nothing if not endlessly entertaining. Among other entertaining enlightenments to be achieved is that of introduction to the world’s ruling families.

You will note the surprising presence of the low and long struggling Scots, in the name of those purveyors of fine fast food, the McDonalds. Of course, I note with disgust that Adler is not among the storied names. Do these fools not know that Alfred Adler’s break with Freud was one of those “false flag” diversions, along with the deviation of Jung, so that the three might more effectively, on an even wider scale, neuroticize the masses with a host of socially normalized psychic dysfunctions – the better to pacify them? And they think they know conspiracy.

No doubt, conspirators, greater and lesser, do walk among us. There were moles at the CIA, and at the KGB. There were those ten rather ordinary Russian sleepers not long ago awakened and sent packing. The Stuxnet virus didn’t get into Iranian computers via bad water, and someone is arranging the murder of those Iranian nuclear scientists. Let us, as the paranoid and proud will urge us, not be naïve.

But the critically thinking mind only begins with questions and challenges; it doesn’t simply end there awaiting an overlay of cynicism, ideology, and imagination. If sound analysis and good judgment were as common a feature of the world as conspiracy mongering, Michael Corleone would have found a way by now to discover Dick Morris in the brothel crib of a dead prostitute. Or, come to think of it, judging by all appearances, excuse me – he probably already has. You think that’s good for the future of the Republican Party? Conspiracy.

Julian Assange and his supporters, purveyors themselves of the most incoherent political philosophy since the 2009 Summer of Town Hall Stupid, think, science fictionally, that the authoritarian state conspiracy is already upon us. I will not argue strenuously that it does not await us down the line. (What, you thought I was an optimist?) But the illusions of the matrix may work on a much smaller scale than that, enter our consciousness through the finer filigree of language manipulated, reality reconstituted.

Meanwhile, WikiLeaks is taking steps to distance itself from the suggestion that it actively encourages people to send in classified material. It has changed how it describes itself on its submissions page. “WikiLeaks accepts a range of material, but we do not solicit it,” its Web site now says.

It also deleted the word “classified” from a description of the kinds of material it accepts. And it dropped an assertion that “Submitting confidential material to WikiLeaks is safe, easy and protected by law,” now saying instead: “Submitting documents to our journalists is protected by law in better democracies.”

WikiLeaks is also taking steps to position itself more squarely as a news organization, which could make it easier to invoke the First Amendment as a shield. Where its old submissions page made few references to journalism, it now uses “journalist” and forms of the word “news” about 20 times.

Another new sentence portrays its primary work as filtering and analyzing documents, not just posting them raw. It says its “journalists write news stories based on the material, and then provide a link to the supporting documentation to prove our stories are true.” [All emphasis added]

Who owns the weapons or the words owns the world. We’ll wait and see which.



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3 thoughts on “Moles, False Flags, and Conspiracies

  1. i’d like to get a link on how to meet with illuminati members and how i’ll become a member too…thanks

  2. You wrote, “Of course, I note with disgust that Adler is not among the storied names.”
    That means you have practically admitted you are an Adlerian! If only I had known from the start.
    [For purposes of calrity, my Father is an Adlerian trained Psychoanalyst and I am a Neo-Freudian…we still manage to talk to each other in civil tones even when we are not busy plotting how to advance the protocols of the Elders of Zion.]

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