From Gawker, first indications of Rick Sanchez’s response to events – through his wife.
Rick Sanchez—the CNN anchor who was fired after insinuating that Jews control the media—might be coming out of hiding. According to Sanchez’s wife, he called Daily Show host Jon Stewart (the target of Sanchez’s remarks) to say “sorry.”
In an update on her Facebook wall, Rick’s wife Suzanne writes that the former CNN anchor called Stewart and “they had a good talk” (oh, boy, I’m sure they did). She says Stewart was “gracious” and that he called Sanchez “thin-skinned,” and that Rick “feels horrible” and “deeply apologizes to anyone who was offended”—the first hint of an apology from Sanchez since making the remarks:
via Rick Sanchez Reportedly Called Jon Stewart to Apologize.
As further demonstration of my point yesterday about what one needs to be prepared to live with upon entering public life, here are the first two comments to the post, which I confess I found climatically amusing.
Meanwhile, Gabriel Sherman, in “Chasing Fox,” at New York Magazine, reports on the cable news wars that would have contributed to Sanchez being promoted over his head.
The whole episode continues to highlight in one small, low episode the current sad state of mainstream journalism, and not just the frenzied tabloid competition of the cable news networks. Fox News online is running an AP story with the headline “Jon Stewart Rips Rick Sanchez in ‘Daily Show’ Monologue.” The headline may be Fox’s, but here is AP:
Stewart gleefully struck back Monday night at the former CNN host who was fired after calling him a bigot.
You can watch Stewart’s segment here. You decide (after I report) whether Stewart’s, of course, comic response poking fun at Sanchez – but actually rather gently so, with a kind suggestion that there is a better Sanchez than the one who vocalized last week – remotely either “rips” Sanchez or strikes back “gleefully.” It is so easy to misrepresent in casually bad reporting, which was, interestingly, a subject of Stewart’s take on events.
Stewart’s very first response to Sanchez’s outburst was in a couple of jokes he made at a charity event on Saturday night. The first advised (in light of his firing) that Sanchez hold onto his money and not make a charitable contribution. Then, referring to Sanchez’s comments on Jewish control of the Media, Stewart offered,
All he has to do is apologize to us, and we’ll hire him back.
As Melissa Bell at blogPost reports of Stewart’s Monday night segment,
Stewart also mocked the rest of the media for their reaction to Stewart’s comments at a Saturday fundraiser for research on autism, at which he suggested that Sanchez not donate to the cause because he ought to keep his money.
News sites responded with headlines like ” ‘Ripped,’ ‘Destroyed‘ — and that was Time magazine!” Stewart said. “Any headline from that event should have read, ‘Comedians raise $3 million for autism while demonstrating incredible self-restraint about Rick Sanchez.’ “
Quite so, but that would have been less sensational. At least Time didn’t headline the story “Why Jon Stewart Doesn’t Care about Peace.”
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