Indian Country Today

If you haven’t yet noticed the widget (that’s what those boxes on the left and right margins are called) over on the left – the one that provides an RSS feed of headlines from Indian Country Today, probably the premier paper providing comprehensive news of, well – Indian country – today – check it out. There are, right now, three articles highlighted of real significance. On the negative side, we’ve go a piece about a, perhaps-now-to-change, sad lack of diversity in the presidential press pool. On the up side, there is an article about Jodi Archambault Gillette, the Standing Rock Sioux who has just been named by President Obama “one of three deputy associate directors of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. It is a historic appointment, as no other American Indian has ever held the position.” A third article is about Larry Ecohawk, a Pawnee, brother of John Ecohawk, executive director of the Native American Rights Fund, who has been named head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. These are signs of hope.