One week now without my main computer and most of my files and programs. Four hours now with the tech working away, trying unsuccesfully to overcome the loss of connectivity created by the conflicts between the Teredo Tunneling System Interface and Zone Alarm Security System and the IPv4 and IPv6 packets. (Don’t I sound like I know what I’m talking about?)
And odds are I’m going to have to go back to factory settings and for the third time in 16 months reinstall all of my programs and settings and retreive my backup files.
And the blogmaster says “Dude, get a Mac!”
Well, for those 16 months the tech has been out of work, laid off by Circuit City, and paying the bills with two part-time gigs – discovering that 50 year old guys with 25 years of tech experience are NOT in demand.
Shit. I can’t even feel sorry for myself.
Tomorrow. I hope.
The curse of Mercury Retrograde? (Not that I know what the hell that is really, but they say it can be blamed for computer destruction, and for me- a fellow PC’er- I’d rather blame Mercury Retrograde than rush out and buy a Mac.)
Ahh, ain’t the wonders of our modern world grand! I still start my day with a No.2 pencil and pad. Can’t get my brain data onto main frame without it,yet.
Good luck.
Oh and concurr what he said:
“Dude, get a Mac!”